Science Fiction Class
Starts: 2nd Week of June. Book now on the link below or call 085-2341829.
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Duration: 10 Weeks
Cost: €295
This Spring we are delighted to offer a ten week course in science fiction. The only genre to really keep pace with the technological and social changes of the twentieth century, science fiction is often viewed by the uninitiated as escapist pulp aimed at an undiscerning readership. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once a peripheral species of writing, science fiction has moved, and now dominates, mainstream.
The short story has always held a particular position of importance within this discipline. Some of the most talented SF writers utilise this mode almost exclusively, and their work combines the imaginative breadth of the genre with the stylistic rigour and intellectual depth of the literary sphere. Gender, politics, technology, history, philosophy – science fiction is an ideal vehicle for investigation and play with developments in these fields.